'The Analogist' is less a podcast, more of a sound collage/aural experiment by David Shane Smith...
'One minute with SG' is quite funny - the dulcet-toned SG (Sasha Gransjean) interviewing an alien. Next is 'Economic Glossolalia', which is some political soundbytes mixed with some sort of muslim-extremist chanting, along with a few snippets of a ranting Christian Bale. Next (and the highlight of the podcast) is some poetry by Ariell Hartwell. The reading sounds like a phone call from a another era - the crackling and distortion giving the poetry an intimate feel. The poem itself sounds like something by Jim Morrison from An American Prayer...
Next is 'Ambience' - more sampled soundbytes, and is that DSS rapping over some beats in the background? Another of my favorite segments from the podcast is 'Street Beat' - where David interviews people on the streets of LA. The first interview is a guy picking out Disney Hall when asked about what he dislikes about downtown LA. The same guy (I think) likes the fact downtown is car-driven and therefore it is difficult to cross the street! Next, is the first of a couple of songs by the strange but wonderful Robert James - recorded live at the Rainbow Bar and Grill. After a short snippet of Iron Maiden (?!) is another 'Street Beat' followed by another Robert James song, which I think is called 'Fuckers'. More soundbytes follow - the segment appropriately called 'PsychoBabble' and we finish with some lo-fi bleeps and clicks.
Looking forward to hearing further episodes!!
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