Thursday, December 25, 2008

Happy Christmas (or name that tune!)

Happy Christmas to all my avid readers - you know who you are...

Fresh from writing pop classic Mary Celeste (lyrics by the wonderful Keith Haworth) I started on something new yesterday. After a while I realized I had blatantly ripped off two of my favorite songs, but at what point does conscience take over and you scrap the song? I would say scrap it as soon as you realize but some, mentioning no names (Chris Paltry) say let the courts decide...

Anyways, if anyone can name the songs I have ripped off in the verse and chorus I will scrap it (although the bridge is definitely a keeper.) The horns in the verse are a big clue and maybe the end of the chorus on the last chord change...

Name that song!

Answers on a postcard to...

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