David Shane Smith was on top form. A few new(?) songs at the beginning which sounded as good as anything on Cloud Pleaser. My favorite song at the moment is the existential masterpiece 'Liqour Store' which was excellent, and the sampled 'Empty Action' sounded great too. 'Eyes' was good but lacked flexibility with it's drum machine backing - losing it's subtle tempo changes where the chorus drops off the beat. David told us he was ending the set on a downer as he amusingly dedicated 'Miserblism' to his parents!

STANLEYLUCASREVOLUTION played a great set too... Not as polished as The Airliner a few weeks ago (the odd dropped loop etc) but it's always the unexpected stuff that makes SLR such an entertaining live act. Similar set to the last show plus a couple of additions, including the live debut of 'This World' - possibly his best (and most commercial) song since 'Gods Don't Worry'...

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