A well known blogger (whose name I will not mention for fear of setting off a flurry of Google alerts) wrote recently about the need for artists and bands to challenge the medium of music, otherwise it will become an interpretive art - the new classical music. Razorlight should take note...
Everything about Razorlight is average - if they were bad they would at least be interesting or have some room for improvement. Unfortunately, they are just average and as their dwindling star shows (bet they will be playing Spaceland on their next trip to LA) even the kids want more than average these days... The music (if you can call it that) is a mish-mash of misguided 80's influences - Elvis Costello and the Attractions, The Clash (lite), U2, Springsteen and even The Alarm for god sake! One wonders how they even got signed - guess it was in the day when the labels were throwing money at anyone fronted by a skinny white boy with a little charisma...
Razorlight? The kids have decided already - spare tickets were being thrown around outside like confetti...
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