Ballerina Black (don't get me started...) were ok - lot's of Peter Hook basslines and an average singer. Unfortunately, like so many bands who cite Joy Division as an influence they looked and sounded more like a goth band. This bugs me... JD were not (and should never be confused with) anything to do with goth... As for initials BB - change the name, the hair and the image...
The Rhone Occupation were very cool - always good to see a band a second time who impressed you first time out and I wasn't disappointed... I described them as being too much like Radiohead before but besides one song that sounds like 'Exit Music (for a film)' they really don't - singer Jacob Summers has a similar register to Thom Yorke (without all the affectations) but that's about it. Some of the more up-tempo songs have an early REM about them and when TRO slow things down there is some Sigur Ros in the guitar textures... Good band...

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