Breakfast Gallery is an interesting space - probably an alley between two buildings that someone converted into a gallery. It is therefore a long narrow room with a lounge area on one side. The concrete floor is not ideal for standing around for a few hours in the winter...
The artists were an eclectic mix of anti-bands:
Sasha Gransjean: jazzy acoustic existentialism from party organiser Sasha. First time I've seen a trombone for a while...
David Shane Smith: David could well be the new Leonard Cohen. Poetic lryics and finger-picking acoustic guitar but updated with a sampler and some other electronics that elavate him into lo-fi Idle Tigers or Beck territory. The American Momus? Possibly...
The Fancies: average acoustic musings from a band featuring possibly the tallest women I've ever seen!
stanleylucasrevolution: short but powerful set featuring a couple of new songs and the essential NS40...
Box Violet: boy/girl duo with a setup like The Ting Tings - he plays drums and samples/she plays guitar. The sound wasn't great and their best song sounded like The Mission's 'Wasteland' but aside from that they were cool...
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