Anyways, back to business - Brookline sounded great! Best time I've seen them by far and the excellent PA at the Unknown Theater sounded awesome... At one point they trod on some dangerous ground by throwing in a Beatles cover (I want you/She's so heavy) but they more than did it justice... Covering The Beatles can be a lose/lose situation - you either murder the song and end up sounding like a shit covers band or do a great job and everyone thinks 'muso cunts - why can't they write their own stuff like that'. Anyway, they did a good job and certainly know their chops...
STANLEYLUCASREVOLUTION battled through sound problems in the lounge area but it was an entertaining set. We were promised a second PA for the lounge but it never showed up so Sean played everything, including vocals, through his guitar amp. He played songs from the new CD plus crowd pleaser 'Gods Don't Worry' and the Spiritualized freak out of new song 'Is a with dubs'...

ExDetectives closed the main stage and again the sound was brilliant. With Faris having been away in Hamburg for three months and only having had one rehearsal, one might have expected some rust but there was none. Again I think it's the best time I've seen them...

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