Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Stat of the nation...

Isn't technology a wonderful thing? I get a weekly report of page visits to everybodystalking and unfortunately the stats don't lie... A little sugar-coating would be nice - you know 'your hits this week are between 1-500' or something like that... I'm expecting them to ask if the blog moved to a different url when they report next week...

I'd like to tell you the podcast is doing better. I'd like to, but I'm all about the truth here at everybodystalking... Fact is, numbers are dwindling at an alarming rate despite the fact that I thought episode 18 was the best one for quite a while...

Anyways, I'm still doing it for the kids but you know, sometimes the kids don't listen...

1 comment:

Faris said...

I haven't downloaded any since I've been gone, but I will catch up!